home: pay4what’s important to my(!!peers’) family

  • Opening Eg: Some people value high floor but I hate the long wait for elevator.
  • Opening Eg: some people like ethnic diversity. My wife and I prefer more Chinese
  • Eg: Some people value a huge backyard, but I worry about maintenance. If I buy such a home, I am likely to take on 300k additional burden for no particular benefit.
  • Eg: Some don’t mind 45 vs 60 minute commute. I do.
  • Eg: some people don’t mind driving to work every day. I do.

Some parents consider an above average (like 7) school district unacceptable. We may find it good enough. If I lack a backbone, follow the herd instinct and pick a top school district, and sacrifice commute and take on 300k additional burden, I am likely to regret it.

–Some price factor in Bayonne

  • close to light rail — not a key price factor
  • close to shopping — not a key factor, since people drive
  • more uptown and shorter commute — not a price factor at all
  • bed room count — not a key factor
  • side windows (very few in row house) — not a key factor
  • close to park — yes G10 factor. I think these are affluent districts. Better avoid buying those locations
  • condition and age — yes G3 factor