energy12^other alt investments

Tax — Assuming 100k invested. 49k distribution received over 7 years without paying any tax. $120k received as principal + payout. There’s a $69k total gain, taxed at around 15% after the payout.

Eenergy-12 Cambodia shops AsiaProp HighYield-bond
liquidity Least liquid. 5-7Y after “close[1]” or longer any time but long lead time 2Y
amount USD 5k USD 200k SGD 10k
dividend “guaranteed” 6% (7% pretax) 7% and 5.5% 14%->19% semi-annually
.. from? existing oil output rent unknown
upside 40% participation. Long-term strategic investment with  potential of windfall. zero
downside indefinite delay property devalue; hard to sell
underlying asset oil field shop equity holdings in start-up
backer deal maker developer tiny investment firm
diversify: correlation with properties+stocks excellent good good
… geographically 1-5 3 5 #excellent 0 #poor
risk: key personnel high low high

[1] could be May 2019 or earlier

According to Chip, typical amount is 50-100k per investor. I choose to believe him. I feel his investors are generally more optimistic and risk-taking than me.

Many David Lerner staff invested in the same program.