–Introspection …
- #1 morning real stress — based on anticipation of longer, stressful bike journey to catch train.
- the morning commute time is usually lost, though I could bring a laptop or reading… 8th street has fewer trains and 6 minutes longer commute
- #2 Not so isolated, not so quiet — banks; Chinese+fast food restaurants; Chinese supermarket
- big drugstores+supermarkets like — C-town, QuickChek, RiteAid, Walgreen, ShopRite, 7-eleven,
- #3 walkable, car-free. More specifically, gym, big stores within walking distance
- #4 big park and clean streets around
- # streets are slightly cleaner and lively with shoppers
- —-remaining pains due to Bayonne location:
- commute still too long, often without seat. Light rail is less frequent than other trains, and slower.
- Chinese
- shopping still limited. Walmart is nice but not so accessible.