tristate renovation cost level

  • Opening window, carving out an office in living room … are all doable according to FengKai.
  • kitchen is expensive, typically 20-30k, according to JackHe.
  • bedrooms are cheaper than bathroom, according to GregR.

Total? 100k is a common figure, but Wallace said 10k is a common figure. Before deciding on a budget, (as Alona’s colleague Bob pointed out) it’s better to list specific items, then prioritize them like

  1. furnish the basement to rent it out if legitimate
  2. carve out an office
  3. modernize the kitchen

Tim Yao said cost is much lower than XR’s experience.

— rental property renovation

It’s probably smart to buy a relatively old rental property, and pay lower tax, then invest 50k-100k to improve it, then rent out.

George Abdelmalak <>, a nice agent, is familiar with renovation, and told me renovation cost is at least 50-60k. Background — I told him that I want to buy a reasonably OK rental property and make it more comfortable more appealing for my tenants.

George also said extension to create 1 or 2 extra rooms cost 50k.