It helps to visualize a SGD3k retirement lifestyle. Keep record of the current spend. I hope to reliably identify the “irrelevant” costs (tax, childcare, flights…) and arrive at a CRBR (“couple retirement burn rate”) of SGD3k. The more sound, more comprehensive, and deeper my analysis becomes, the more confidence we will have about what it feels like to live at this burn rate during retirement.
Alternatively CBBR [couple base burn rate] is another term but it sounds awkward.
In the MYS scenario, I would simply assume total burn rate is MYR 3k or half the SGP scenario. Food, transportation, everyday consumable price tags are similar to SG, but in local currency. It’s hard to visualize anything else.
Q: What would I do when I’m no longer able to find work?
Q: What places would we go in our spare time?
These questions affect our burn rate. Clearly I’m in favor or working all the way until I couldn’t find work.