I like the simplicity in the question
Q: Over the “away” 6 months since 11 Jul, how much SGD went out from my DBS accounts to outside the family, so all transfers to wife, waigong, grandma, boy are excluded?
- For 104 account, total debit – $1k gift to waigong = $1303
- For 108 account, total debit = 41743 but 30396 is transfers including $1200 I brought to BGC then deposited to OCBC, so total burn rate is $11347
- For OCBC, I had a burn rate of $550 ($547.31 actually), bringing total to $13,200
- Is there another account to burn? I don’t think I missed any.
DBS/OC both let you download 6M transaction history as a *.csv file…. saved in my office PC.