##eg@higher-return lower-risk

Contrary to conventional wisdom, I have come across a tiny number of assets featuring higher return, lower risk than the standard assets, but not obvious so insight or due diligence are required.

  • (As I told ZongYang) SPY compared to the majority of familiar stocks. SPY DYOC is about 1%. Somehow, a higher DYOC would feel safer.
  • S27 .. stocks are supposed to be higher risk than bonds but I feel my s27 is higher-reward-lower-risk than bonds or most long-term investments
  • high-dividend stable (not all blue-chip) stocks, with consistent track record… See solid div stocks=hard to miss@@. However, return and volatility is often lower than hot growth stocks.
  • [b] IPO stocks .. compared to other stocks
  • [b] my Cambodia shops — many risk factors at decision time, but lower risk in hind-sight
  • my hdb + PEK properties
  • [b=bargains]