## SG citizenship: $value imt GC

I feel lucky to have Singapore citizenship. Now I feel SG citizenship is better than U.S. green card because

  1. — ranked by … strategic value to my family
  2. nanny-state public (+ private) service ..
    • Grade A vs C. It’s possible to put a dollar value on this ‘grade’
    • client service — good, efficient CRM (uncommon in many countries) when I’m in need of help
  3. medical cost relief — Medishield, polyclinics…
    • long-term nursing cost (esp. out-patient) is probably lower based on my personal observation.
    • Without insurance, hospitalization is probably much cheaper in Singapore than U.S.
  4. housing — relatively affordable public housing for citizens
  5. overall lower minimum burn rate, easier to achieve carefree if not absolute ffree
  6. for me, Singapore CPF beats U.S. social security
  7. weather — warm for retirees
  8. low crime rate — important to wife
  9. NRY — thanks to the open and robust economy, foreign professionals represent a stable rental demand.
  10. transport — Reliable and cheap public transport for non-drivers, though gas is costly
  11. college — Singapore universities for my kids
  12. Property tax — much lower than U.S.
  13. inflation control — better control than in many countries
  14. SG government has a large past reserve to protect Singapore against many threats.
  15. if stranded overseas — I can count on SG government to bring me home. U.S. citizens probably have lower confidence.

Q: If SG citizenship offers so many tantalizing carefree features, then why are they unattractive to so many shrewd Chinese professionals?

  • A: even if we agree that SG citizenship contributes to a bare-bones ffree far out in the future, the ffree is too bare-bones, too far out, and contribution are too small and unattractive to most people
  • A: these capable, qualified, elite professionals tend to be well-established in their country. In such a case, the sacrifice is too high, and risk is too high.
  • A: At our age, to abandon the current home country (US or ..) and try out a small SEA country is highly questionable, risky and a long shot. There’s too much at stake.
  • A: there’s a age window for choosing and changing home country. After that window closes, it’s increasingly costly to do that now.
  • A: SG citizenship is hard to get
  • A: SG is seen as too small too vulnerable to be strong, robust and powerful