##[19] best Spends@100k windfall

to Genn: G3 specific goals@investment effort #commute is an introspective. In line with that if I receive $1m windfall, I would use it to strengthen my shields and relieve my anxieties.

Q: what’s your best use of additional 100k, assuming you can’t invest it?

  • I didn’t choose a very small sum — not enough of an interesting question, and not engaging
  • I didn’t choose a very big sum — unrealistic and not engaging

Specific items I can spend on … are the best answers.

  • lower-paying (probably contract) job with more satisfaction. Respect is the #1 satisfaction.
  • .. In contrast, My answer to Genn is more about work-life balance (free time …)
  • commute — See my answer to Genn. Note For commute current income is more effective than a $100k windfall far out.
  • more frequent visits with grandparents, but business-class ticket would be un-affordable luxury.
  • vacations to nearby locations. There are plenty of world class yet low-cost destinations in SEA, China and India.
    • No Japan no Korea please — luxury and unnecessary. Our family life isn’t less complete if without them.
  • — smaller, “lifestyle” items that I could spend part of this 100k on
  • more yoga classes, and possibly other classes
  • more packaged, washed raw veg and fruits
  • more frequent buying of salads
  • — less specific items:
  • spend to create more spare time for kids, family and myself

For Mr Money Mustache, apparently such a windfall doesn’t mean anything, but I doubt it.

Some of These are among the G10 most important lifestyle changes after I achieve bare-bones ffree.