- eg: movies
- eg: taxi
- eg: simple gadgets
- eg: simple shoes, dresses
- eg: toys
When we feel [1] we have more disposable income, we tend to loosen up a bit and spend here and there for a bit of comfort and indulgence. In general, I feel it’s best to be more conscious (ctbz) when spending money, though “conscious” may run against “buy-without-oth”
- suggestion: avoid credit card or NETS. They are too unconscious.
- Suggestion: expense tracking
- Suggestion: enforceable budget
[1] Note we often fail to recognize the tax-like expenses. We do notice them after we stop paying our mortgage or school fees.
— On vacations (sometimes even at home) my family sometimes question me “Why are we so careful spending money?”
People want “freedom” to spend. Similarly, people want freedom to eat whatever they want, and the freedom not to exercise or brush teeth, the freedom to sleep any time they want and get up only when they want to. All of these freedoms are detrimental to the body, not to mention the mind.
careful ≈ conscious ≠ frugal. I do spend quite a bit on education, reunion flights, piano courses, wpress hosting, multiple laptops, books, … Not so frugal, but conscious spending, not mindless spending.