luxury(+special) Edu: unaffordable to 中产华裔

opening eg: In the U.S. context, medical school is for the upper class, as Tao.Chen of RTS told me.

In the U.S. branded college is comparable to top MBA schools or Joseph Schooling’s expensive training.

Similarly, top schools (in all countries), top colleges, private tuition, enrichment programs… can be considered as luxuries that lower middle class (like me) can’t afford easily.

I would have to struggle, sacrifice, endure a lot to afford them…

My barebones ffree is insufficient for this level of luxury. Before college phase, I think luxury education could be 70% of the annual family burn rate. This luxury alone can derail my carefree life.

Similar experience — the prospect of a 700k home (with pTax + mortgage) became a threat to my cashflow carefree /position/, until I devised the lease-spread idea/plan.

XR and YH have kids attending special-needs schools. My son is smart, but to protect him from bad influences, I may need to consider expensive school districts or charter schools. These choices can increase my burn rate by 40%. However, there’s a risk —

Some of the additional spending on education may have /unimpressive/ ROI, and waste my limited resources. This would be similar to SG government spending past reserve on the wrong covid19 rescue areas — wasting limited reserve.

Therefore, before I commit to spending the money, I need to weigh the cost and benefits.

  • top school districts cost me hugely in commute, pTaxes etc
  • private schools have high fees but may not help my son grow better