emails to be included here
Q: after I find myself unable to perform my SWE job, will I feel good or bad about the prospect of filing a claim? I might worry about potential disappointment “After paying for so many years, when I need this payout, they reject my claim.”
A: I think I would feel hopeful. I think this is an attitude/perception problem, more than an expectation problem. I choose to trust that the insurer has guidelines to follow, as mentioned in the Causal_Link section
The Causal_Link .. I discussed this issue with Colin Lim. When I’m in a “situation” [unable to perform my SWE job], and there is a certified medical condition, I submit a claim. Will insurer accept the link between the condition and the situation? I assume the insurance industry has guidelines for it, but to me it’s a blackbox. Transparency is needed.
Given the uncertainty over the Causal_Link, I would go for the lowest-cost plan, keep it for a few years and decide to terminate or keep it.