Live life2the fullest, but@low burn rate

A favorite among marketing slogans is “Live life to the fullest”, as you have it once. I guess the ERE author can say he is living his life to the fullest. I don’t need to benchmark with him.

Similar to him or unlike him, I do feel I’m living my life to the fullest. There’s nothing missing in my current carefree life. My current life is satisfying and complete.

The Buddhist would say there’s still a lot of unsatisfied desires and pains lurking beneath the surface. Admittedly, these pains will surface, but hopefully become mild and forgotten. The current carefree /bliss/ is obviously impermanent, and possibly short-lived, but in this blogpost I care more about the contributing factors:

  • foundation: marriage, health, citizenship,
  • green Cornerstone: rewarding, low-stress job
  • red Cornerstone: boycott to FOMO/FOLB
  • red Cornerstone: Brbr, ffree
  • # The red cornerstones are based on cash flow.