2points@livelihood ] President’s address

I think these and other points raised in the President’s address to new parliament are points to be explored in the upcoming parliament debates.

I feel the President’s address to a new parliament (once in a few years) usually sets out broad directions of focus over the next few months or years. Some of the policies would be adjusted within 12M, but the broad directions don’t change.

  1. jobs-for-citizens remain the top priority for the parliament. Three vulnerable groups: 1. low-income and 2. mature (struggling with age) workers, and 3. mid-career (i.e.被迫转行) workers with heavier financial commitments and families to support.
  2. find new ways to make a living, create jobs in new sectors.

She pointed out the current top threats: national protectionism; geopolitical rivalry; more volatility; disruption. Therefore, more Singaporeans may need more social safety net. She said Government will support young families to own their own homes, offer middle-aged Singaporeans more help to secure good jobs, and give them greater assurance that they will have enough resources to retire on. <– elements of the safety net and the nanny state