[21]long trough: Nsdq(17Y), SP500(7Y),gold,,


Xp: equity mutual funds — about 3 out of 10 funds get stuck for 5Y+
Xp: Majestic Village

Q: how long was the longest trough in the Nasdaq100?
A: 17Y according to https://www.investopedia.com/timeline-of-stock-market-crashes-5217820 and https://www.macrotrends.net/1320/nasdaq-historical-chart. Corresponding trough was 7Y in SP500.

On the basis laid out in big-ticket items pre55, here’s a follow-up question:

Q: if the amount of money is not-neded (i.e. I don’t have a need for the amount sunk in), then Why did I hate long trough in a liquid asset like stocks and gold?

This quesiton underlies my deep-rooted subconscious resistance to long-term commitments such as endowments.

A: I need the sunk-in fund to provide more current disposable income (for better commute, enrichment programs etc), higher brbr buffer, exclub(?), windfall profit(?). I hate to have my fund locked up while giving up these optial but “nice” things

Reality check — most of the time the “not-needed” condition is not 100% satisfied i.e. I do have something of a “need” for the amount. This reminder is very relevant for gold, and also (not for long-trough) HDB home upgrade.