##unaffordable but truly desirable things #discussion with son

As I told my son, I do window-shop once a while. Most of the things I look at are within my purchasing power, but I usually don’t buy right away. I need to evaluate my need, the alternatives, long-term value etc.

Now I think this question reveals and /spotlights/ the  huge gap between Level 5^6 of ffree

Q: Is there one thing that I really want but can’t afford?

  • a/c every night during summer
  • better home in the U.S. — I desired a reasonable size (1000+ sqf) home with excellent commute. Also good neighbourhood for kids. This is by far the biggest big-ticket item.
    • Rental demand is valuable but not necessary, can be a feature of a separate rental property.
  • better home in SG — yes better rental yield; workout facilities nearby.
  • sturdier car in the U.S.?
  • private or charter school
  • personal trainer? I prefer self-reliance.