[17]US burn rate now n after #Gerald

Update — U.S. burn rate is inherently higher than SG.. U.S.compared2sg: high cost@living #Melvin3items shows car, pTax, medical insurance etc

Hi Gerald,

I always write down my reflections after meeting an old friend. No need to read. Busy dads… I know.

One of my top 3 biggest worries was my U.S. cash flow. (The other biggies would be finding/keeping a job, and lack of time for exercise + learning + rest … everything.)

To resolve the worry, I need to estimate to specific numbers.

Phase 1 — When I live and work in U.S. by myself, my monthly cash flow will be comfortable — around 9-10k income against $700 rental + $700 personal expenses –> $17k/yr + 4 trips a year to see family. Hopefully $6k to $7k/month savings. All numbers verified against my s/s.

During Phase 1 I hope to create a surplus saving of $150-200k, matching my s/s record of 186k.

(Q: how much 2017 USD savings did I use UP in Oct 2017 to pay for BridgeRetail? I think it’s 44+74-25-13-48=USD 32k, so this amount should be added to my current USD savings .. 32k + 128k = 160k, but excluding the USD brought from Singapore, about 12k)

Phase 3,4 — When my family comes over, my monthly burn rate will escalate to around $7k to $9k (realistic household burn rate]U.S.)

  • health insurance? ….. US med bx – advice from colleague
  • rent? …… $2k in NY/NJ area. Could save a bit by sharing with sub-tenant. Many Singapore families with kids have a paying guest, on the same floor.
  • family expenses? initially high; need to bring down to …. $2k to 4k
  • my daughter will NOT attend pre-school.
  • big ticket items like overseas vacations, car, furniture, moving home? I will delay and minimize.

(Phase 3 is the initial set-up — 6-12M; Phase 4 is the stabilizing period. )

Depressing numbers. I didn’t really anticipate my burn rate to become so much higher. Hopefully things will turn out better, like $6k/month.

If I could reduce my Phase 4 burn rate to half of my income I would feel very relieved.

Phase 5 is after we buy a home, perhaps in 5 years.