[? = questionable, less reliable metric ]
These instructions/reminders need to be explicit, otherwise in a hurry I will miss the “obvious” hidden meanings.
- pre-clearance quantity not to be exceeded
- .. ! .. keep distraction in-check
- —- due diligence before pre-clear
- check my existing position .. in profit or at loss? If apparently at loss, then remember Robinhood PnL ignores dividend incomes.
- check analysts .. (either CNN or tipranks) to avoid buying high.
- check dividend yield … double-check that dividend has not dried up !
- .. for a long-term div star, verify on macrotrends
- check long-term graphs on macrotrends or rbh
- optionally check 3-month price trend
- (I need 2 browser tabs beside the tanbinvest and rbh tabs. Consider using multiple laptops.)
— total due diligence tcost before + after preclearance should minimize to 3 minutes if dollar amount < $20
Penny stocks deserve less due diligence, provided you buy one share only. But nowadays I tend to buy more, since the 3D window is too short.
fractional buys deserve less due diligence due to smaller dollar amount
Familiar names (not necessarily blue chips) require less due diligence and could incur lower tcost