buy-n-forget→ sleep]peace, focus@work


See also

Motivation  — hazards of stock investing

  1. Sleepless night and work distraction are the most serious hazards of ANY online gambling
    • Note tcost/distraction due to pre-trade due diligence is less or a concern.
  2. lost time/energy for workout; overeating induced by active investment
  3. lost time for parenting and academic coaching

These hazards are more stoppable during the due diligence. However, as your position builds up, hazards become increasingly burdensome, unwanted,,,,,, Therefore, Position holding should be a focus for risk management, tcost management.

In div investing, I want to practice buy-n-forget, and collect dividend. Buy-n-forget is my answer, my solution to the challenges.

—  In recreational investing … I want to sleep in peace every night
Q: as my committed amount increases beyond 10k, 20k, how do I maintain that peace?
A: buy-n-forget. steady passive income .. is the ideal I am seeking

ETF can help, since the constituent names are hidden.

— If I must list the G5 derailers for buy-n-forget

  1. #1 factor: size of capital
  2. DYOC above 4% .. in theory can be a shield against the hazards. Note leveraged positions often have negative DYOC.
  3. 100% upswing .. can be a temporary shield against the hazards.
  4. extreme (rare) volatility .. can derail buy-n-forget and cause loss of sleep

— case studies
Q: which past investments caused loss of sleep, loss of focus at work, or affected my workout or diet?
A: 1997 commodities day trading
A: 2013 FX Options

Q: which would become the first stock to cause loss of sleep etc
A: T:US?

— url of this blogpost