[15] asset balancing needed@@ #hedging

Q (recommended question): is my asset allocation comfortable and fulfilling[meeting my current pff goals]?
A: overall yes. I have always wanted a small allocation to eq until I feel comfortable, so I don’t really care about the eq/bond ratio.

Q: is my current asset allocation rational?
A: no clue

Q: is it positioned to capture the upside? people generally say the upside is in eq, esp US but not China
A: I would say I have a reasonable exposure that I can accept. I am not an eq believer… i see few trends long term. Only US shows me a trend but it’s expensive now.

See the post on non-performing investments — real experience.

Q: is it hedged against the black swan?
A: Not sure. Experience shows that our estimate of the downside is usually underestimate. I don’t want to be risk-averse either. Risk averse people would favor cash!

Q: within eq, is the geographic allocation comfortable?
A: I would say yes. I was confident about
* US
* Jap, Europe, Thai, Taiwan, Korea
* China
so I allocate according to my feeling

Q: Allocation/balancing across industries… comfortable?
A: I would say yes. I assume most of the sector funds are US-heavy. I feel US is expensive and I already have bigger allocation to US than elsewhere.