PBCT: steady-div regional bank #PUB

  • up to $100
  • analysts? neutral no Sell.
  • 🙂 the only bank on the exclusive Dividends Aristocrats list, having increased its regular dividend every year for the past 26 years. While many of its regional peers and essentially all of the biggest banks have been forced to reduce their payouts in prior economic downturns, People’s United was able to ride out the bad times and still raise its dividend. See https://www.fool.com/investing/stock-market/market-sectors/financials/bank-stocks/do-bank-stocks-pay-dividends/
  • 🙂 div increased through 2020 .. https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/pbct/dividend-history
  • 🙂 small unit price. Easier to experiment
  • 🙂 known brand. $6B mkt cap