##%%stocks: a few that need baby-sitting

I feel most stock-picking investors  (excluding ETF) are forced to monitor their individual stocks. The tcost includes sleep, work distraction. See buy-n-forget→ sleep]peace, focus@work: avoid 0-div

Q: which specific stocks in my portfolio suffer the same?
A: Rather few of my bigger Robinhood positions are non-dividend stocks, and they tend to be known brand names

  • mrna
  • GE
  • GM
  • — these holdings are too small to generate any obligation:
  • China stocks
  • Twitter
  • beyond meat

Take mrna for example, do I lose sleep? No. Do I lose focus at work? No.

— targeting capital gain? See div^capital_gain: which do you bet on@@
Indeed when buying these stocks, I was motivated by capital gain. Regrettable? Not yet, thanks to the small amount.

— recreational? See recreational investing
when buying these stocks, I was also motivated by fun and learning. Obviously, need to