I told Tanko about my 2 stringent criteria to pre-qualify an investment asset. I then asked Tanko ..
Q: why so few in our cohort follow similar principles?
— 1) A (Tanko’s immediate answer): many don’t have enough free cash like 500k (Tanko’s figure). In The affluent often favor Funds over stocks@@, I discussed 200k as a criteria.
On 5 Feb 2022, I met my HJC classmates. Joonling (JL.Lim) said that most in our cohort (Singaporean Chinese) don’t have a lot of spare cash risk_capital to invest in stocks. He singled out burn rate on car + mortgage. I guess many Singaporeans (Zeng?) in my cohort have over-sized property assets paying out very little (or negative) DYOC — i.e. non-productive assets. I see that as cashflow low_ground.
Put yourself in the shoes of a big(like 500k+) mortgage borrower .. some of you probably don’t want to invest too much into stocks. The heavy debt limits the risk appetite, risk tolerance and overall capacity to take risks. Analogy — gymnasts carrying weights?
— 2) A (Tanko): If they have 500k, many investors prefer to see their 500k staying safe in a bank account, rather than fluctuating in an investment account. I guess my wife is one, so is my dad.
Put another way, I set aside risk_capital, whereas these investors have plenty of free cash yet very little risk capital.
However, some risk takers in my cohort maintain mortgage so as to invest 200k loan money in equities. This amount would be higher-tier risk_capital.
— 3) A (I told Tanko): a fundamental reason is that dividend yield is widely seen as insignificant compared to windfall achievable with growth stocks or SP500 passive investing.
Their burn rate probably makes $1k nonwork income insignificant. See $1k nonwork income=more meaningful to ME than others. To make a difference, they probably need $4k/M or $50k/Y nonwork income. At 5% payout rate, that requires $1M invested. So many of them would not be interested in receiving 5% payout.
With a risk capital below $200k, I would say a 6% nonwork income (below $1k/M) is not exciting or life-changing given their burn rate. Therefore, they probably want to deploy it to big bets.