## Sgp CRBR estimates: LZ.Y^CPF^DBS

I have several blog posts with retirement burn rate figures… This is an attempt to consolidate the figures, so those blogposts can point to this one.

[c=current estimate, not a forecast]

— [c] Author Pauline Teo ….. estimated SGD 1500/M of retirement burn rate for her dad, as of 2017
— LZ.Y .. Full Retirement Sum is generally considered adequate, paying out about $1300/M per person, consistent with my $3k/couple estimate. LZ.Y felt SGD 1300/M/person
— [c] DBS seminar .. As of 2021, DBS research shows that among DBS customers, a typical retiree needs SGD 1390/M (burn rate). $2400+ for a couple. Many DBS customers only receive $600-800/M from CPF-life.
— [c] CPF-life .. Enhanced Retirement Sum is the highest retirement sum available, paying out about SGD 2k/M per person.