growth ptf +income ptf +.. #w1r3

Many investors maintain multiple portfolios (for whatever reasons). I wish to keep separate portfolios so that only my growth portfolio is benchmarked against SP500. It’s unfair to benchmark the other portfolios that way.

  • income + stability ptf .. Note income stocks without stability is useless
  • .. aka defensive ptf .. for down turns.
  • international ptf .. probably not worthwhile
  • blue-chip growth ptf .. including TRBCX + a few ETFs. Benchmarked to sp500 [1]
  • speculative ptf .. mostly hot assets including ARK funds. I do (rather than “did”)  hand-pick a few speculative stocks but not exactly to beat SP500.
    • mrna
    • tourism stocks

Some stock picks would be homeless [i.e. hard to classify].

Some stock picks would be multi-homed, like both defensive and high-yield. Don’t bother. Instead, it’s more important to have sufficient allocation to meet the various needs [for income, for protection]

Q: how do I go about creating a “muti-portfolio view” from the combined portfolio?
A: No easy way. So this discussion is kinda academic

— [1] to beat SP500 you have no choice but trade hot stocks. You really need market timing. It requires more analysis, more babysitting (for exit timing). I don’t want to play that game, so I use ETFs as the bulk of my growth ptf.

— DYOC .. My income prt should have dyoc > 5%. Aggregate dyoc doesn’t make sense.

The growth prt would dilute aggregate dyoc.