Note banknote spends are not a category and must not overlap with Category::kids_ePay, Category::tax-like, Category::outing_ePay.
For example, outing spends from bank note must NOT go into Category::outing_ePay. This type of rules require some getting-used-to.
( Banknote spends can be part of Category::misc, but I don’t bother with such a category. )
~~ Assumption: the Begin and End banknote stash_snapshots are accurate up to +/- $20 … good enough. Due to tcost, we don’t try to beat that precision.
- .. This snapshot captures all physical bank notes in all my wallets but not wife’s wallet.
- .. This stash decreases from spending, and increases from ATM withdrawals
- .. 🙂 the total ATM withdrawals are few and easily tracked.
~~ Begin – End + withdrawals == total banknote spend over the period.
Given limited record, when we /enumerate/ banknote spends, they often fall short of this total. An acceptable inaccuracy of an efficient process. If the discrepancy exceeds $50, then follow our recon process, and investigate
— terminology .. “ePay ^ offline spend” are the two phrases I have developed. I like ePay — concise. Offline spend is comparable to banknote spend.