snapshot frequency/interval: monthly or two-monthly snapshot, rather than semi-annually (daunting to recall full details). The spring-cleaning analog — twice a year was too hard in terms of recon (see below), so we procrastinate. On the other hand, once a few day could add up to excessive tcost. Better Strike a balance.
— not too infrequent.. On 8 Apr 2021, I discovered a recon mistake committed a few days prior. As a result, there’s a $46 unexplained out-going. I spent an hour+ but unable to track it down. The last reliable snapshot was 14 Mar 2021, so window was narrow like 25 days… not too bad. What about a 99D window? Much worse if we hit such a rare mistake,
— Longer (than one month) interval between snapshots proved acceptable so far:
Scenario 1: After I wrap up a 33D interval, I often experience low incremental effort extending to 36D, then 39D.
Scenario 2: After i wrap up a 15D interval, I won’t allow myself to “close the chapter”. I often feel the (unwanted) pressure to extend the chapter.