buy new rEstate: NGRY enough2compensate4..

  1. CC: ccy
  2. LL: legwork .. local agent engagement, bill management (BGC xp), repairs
  3. leverage .. any kind of loan
  4. quantum .. Even the smallest quantum, like SGD 100k, can threaten my /bubble/.
  5. ZZ: policy change
  6. PP: pre-built

Any rEstate investment in any country (even in SG) would disrupt my current ezlife. That’s a downside to balance the upside of .. <whatever>

Given my current cashflow high ground, given my carefree bubble [1], and given the current 4 ppa risk-free rate in Singapore, I really don’t need to take on any of these /hazards/ associated with overseas rEstate.

For a SGD 200k quantum, I would need to earn enough “excess return” to compensate for CC, LL, ZZ and PP. “Excess return” is NRY minus risk_free rate. I think NRY need to hit 6%. GRY need to hit 9%.

— PP.. So far, I have always bought pre-built. I think a wealthy investor would do the same as Patrick, who never buys pre-built overseas condos, probably due to ForwardHazardRate

— [1] derailer of my carefree bubble

  • renovation
  • LL
  • worry about ccy
  • worry about price stagnation

Overseas rEstate is always headache. In contrast, I think stock picking is less of a derailer.