During my due diligence before an investment purchase, we worry about the consequence of a regrettable, unprofitable buy. The original title of this blogpost is “fear@bad investment”. My worries are quite concrete, not abstract or theoretical. The worries are different for each asset class.
— Asset: gold .. trough risk is my only worry i.e. long trough
🙁 DYOC is negative. adding salt to the wound.
— Asset: HY/PE .. credit risk is my only worry, i.e. capital loss
— Asset: overseas rEstate .. country risk is my main worry including policy risk, legal risk, national economy risk, currency risk,,
Trough risk is secondary.
— Asset: SG rental property.. trough risk is my main worry, but the DYOC is a good compensation for this risk.
There’s also some non-negligible country risk because the resale demand is largely foreign hot money, and rental demand is primarily foreigners.
— Asset: divStocks [including funds] .. trough risk is my only worry, but lower than SG condos
— Asset: regular mufu .. trough risk is the main worry, based on decades of experience since 1997
🙁 expense ratio adds salt to the would, though dividend from the underlying stocks can sometimes come to the rescue
Unexpectedly, after many years of heavy investments into mufu, rEstate, stocks.. now I’m more comfortable with the fears and worries. In contrast, I now worry more about PIP, parenting, FOLB,
Why the mellowness, peace .. against those financial risks? I can pinpoint a few factors
- career longevity
- cpfLife
- brbr, Fuller Wealth