##methods: itemize+subtotal ] exp-recon s/s

Methods or techniques?

Favor abbreviations or Chinese words when the cell is overcrowded

In many cases, I need to present a subtotal of itemized amounts. I use several different tabulation methods.  Each method features (or makes do without ) borders, subtotal, table heading, color. Perhaps too many different methods creating cognitive overload, but might be a small daily workout for the brain.

Now I try to minimize tables, and use colors more often. If you must avoid background color and use font color, then light colors are more identifiable.

— Method-simple1:  category of similar items without border or subtotal, with a heading like “~~refunds”
Used in pending amounts
Used in div+interest section

This is similar to simple2, but cleaner because it doesn’t add even more borders  .

— Method-simple2: 2-column table without heading, without subtotal
Used in cCard balances

This is similar to simple1, but space-efficient because it doesn’t add heading rows

— Method-special1: Subtotal is an estimate and comment, not updated automatically
Used in FSM section

— Method-special2: Subtotal cell is placed far away.. takes some getting-used-to.
Used in outflow colored sections

  • One colored section for outing ePayments
  • One colored section for tax-like ePayments
  • One colored section for transfers to family members

— Method-special3: Itemized amounts are textual comments of the format “$123 fruits”, not added up by s/s
Used in banknotes section