If the delay is normal in that country, such as GrC, then I’m not worried
judgement/perception about Megaworld is the key to my worry.
— Megaworld: Call +63-2-8888-6342, then choose account services, then title matters 6458
— My experience of Megaworld^Cambodia.. Cambodia process is many years faster than Philippines. I already received my titles + tax cards from Oxley, even though the projects completed much later than Megaworld.
My hypothesis and suspicion: Megaworld invents countless internal steps before the documents go to the government. Initially it was, say 3 internal steps, but then one of the internal steps consist of 2 sub steps. Then one of those 2 steps consists of 4 small steps… So the total steps keep growing, as Megaworld staff give new explanations of the detailed steps. In reality, perhaps each of the original steps should take a few months, so the smaller steps should take a few seconds, but Megaworld just drags on and on.
Very poor attitude in Megaworld. Reminds me of U.S. government red tapes in DMV, tax department, immigration…
Part of the delay might be Philippines government, but I don’t see any evidence of that.
— xpSelf^rmSelf
For a few months since mid 2021, I looked away and put away the title thing, so my xpSelf was somehow protected, inside a bubble of carefree…
The longer I put it away, the bigger that invisible pressure to confront this persistent ulcer (slightly similar to Majestic Village). So the evaluative rmSelf often steps in and wipes out the recent positive experience (lasting many months) of the xpSelf, and concludes that the last N months have been “lost”. Now I think this conclusion is unfair and inconsistent with reality. In reality, even if you keep pushing on this title thing, it may not move faster, and the effort is likely to aggravate the stress (and suffering) on the xpSelf. In other words, looking at (rather than looking away) the ulcer takes a toll on the xpSelf.
Some people, some organizations, some governments are just slow and inefficient, not too different from a tree planted in barren soil. If you believe they are still working on your case, then it’s conceivable to give them a few months of time, and also give your xpSelf a few months of carefree happy ezlife.
(With Aleris and AsiaPropDev, I do belive they are working on it, so I leave them alone for a few months/years.)
If Megaworld is not working on it, then this is a recurring dissatisfaction blackhole.
The Focusing_Illusion can make the ulcer look worse and feel more painful.