##death benefits #接触过的Sgp insurers

See also ## tanbin’s secret bank accounts 

This list can help me keep track of my past and present policies. Let’s not spend too much time.

  1. FWD .. home insurance. Renewed in 2023?
  2. AIA .. for wife
  3. Aviva .. MyShield
  4. Aviva .. ADL/MyCarePlus
    • Singlife FLI2 .. more investment than protection. Bought in 2023.
  5. NTUC  .. shield for dabao
  6. NUTC-GIFT.. union membership fee includes a $20k plan for me and wife
  7. Prudential .. $380/27k prudential Early CI till 65
  8. AXA PrimeCare #surgery+ward
  9. GEL CareShieldSupplement
  10. — currently no protection
  11. Manulife .. studied Universal life and ReadyIncomeLife
  12. MSIG .. PA plan paying out cash, not reimbursement-based
  13. Sompo .. PA plan paying out cash, not reimbursement-based
  14. TokyoMarine .. only the mosquito insurance

— my “death benefits” that should pay out to dependents. Ranked by “forgetability”

  1. (Assuming policy is in force) NTUC Income GIFT (see above) has a SGD 20k death benefit. There’s no policy number. Claim procedure — family members send death certificate to NtucUnion.
  2. (Assuming policy is in force) AXA PrimeCare [# 102-3331489] has a tiny SGD 1000 death benefit.
  3. (Assuming policy is in force) GEL GreatEasternLife [# 6004647642] CareShield  has no death benefit as far as I know, but better check with agent
  4. (Assuming policy is in force) Singlife MyShield [# 27055265] has no death benefit
  5. (Assuming policy is in force) Singlife ElderSheldPlus [# E8566804] ADL insurance has a small death benefit, presumably SGD 15k
  6. (Assuming policy is in force) Prudential EarlyCriticalIllness [# 60763874] has a SGD 3k death benefit, until age 65
  7. Singlife FLI2 [# 82769230] has a death benefit. Hopefully hard to miss due to annual payout
  8. CPF DPS [dependent protection scheme #0228382569] could pay out SGD 70k
  9. my employer’s group-critical-illness is late-stage-37CI, covers 37 critical illnesses
  10. my employer’s group life policy has a large death benefit — 2x annual salary, confirmed 26/12/2023. This item is hard to miss because my employer would surely know about an employee’s departure. Payout amount follows the same formula across all employeess.

— insurance bought for ZLH

  1. AIA plans .. you should review those periodic letters AIA send to you
  2. NTUC-GIFT .. covers you and me. This is part of my NTUC membership.
  3. Aviva MyCarePlus .. you are paying mostly from CPF. This is an upgrade from ElderShield
  4. Aviva MyShield ..  is an upgrade from MediShield