- CDY 9% .. Monthly! didn’t stop in 2020 https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/EFC/ellington-financial/dividend-yield-history
- analysts (8) positive $19 https://money.cnn.com/quote/forecast/forecast.html?symb=efc
- $1B small-cap
- 5Y? fairly steady no growth
Ellington Financial Inc. acquires and manages mortgage, consumer, corporate, and other related financial assets in the United States. The company acquires and manages residential mortgage–backed securities (RMBS) backed by prime jumbo, Alt–A, manufactured housing, and subprime residential mortgage loans.
Additionally, it manages RMBS, for which the U.S. government guarantees the principal and interest payments. It also provides collateralized loan obligations, mortgage–related and non–mortgage–related derivatives, equity investments in mortgage originators and other strategic investments.