ORC 20%NAV erosion #+1 share

Consider on more share to improve my average cost. Maybe sell later.

  • 🙁 10Y decline. I bought at $7.07. Looks like it’s paying dividend from NAV erosion.
  • 🙂 CDY 20% .. Monthly! didn’t drop in 2020 https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/ORC/orchid-island-capital/dividend-yield-history
  • .. 🙂 I received monthly
  • 🙂 analyst no-sell $5 https://money.cnn.com/quote/forecast/forecast.html?symb=orc
  • 🙂 small quantum
  • small-cap

Orchid Island Capital, Inc. is a REIT operating in the mortgage industry. Mortgage REITs differ from most other REITs.

For example, traditional REITs typically own a portfolio of physical real estate, which they lease to tenants to collect rental income. Mortgage REITs are purely financial entities, and Orchid Island does not own any physical properties.

Instead, it is an externally managed REIT (by Bimini Advisors LLC) that invests in residential mortgage–backed securities (RMBS), either pass–through or structured agency RMBSs, which are financial instruments that collect cash flow based on residential loans such as mortgages, including subprime, and home–equity loans.