Easy to end up in a blame game, so both husband and wife must take an active part in the decision. Here are some of the important details we have hashed out.
- Some labor costs are pay-per-use (i.e. no use no pay); other costs are integral parts of the deal, such as design, clean-up…
- (pay per use) if window grille or circuit breaker found to be too old, then will be replaced at additional costs
- nominal price is $34k, but we are likely to avoid installation costs (pay-per-use) for toilet bowl + basin + heater etc, and cut $800
- payment schedule:
- 50% (cumulative 60%) of $34k payable at start of physical work;
- 35% (cumulative 95%) of $34k payable at start of wood work;
- final (up to) 5% of $34k payable after buyer accepts end result
- any additional items is payable upon agreement and won’t affect the above.
- any unwanted items (deductions)? presumably can be kept in some account and used to offset the additional costs
https://bintanvictor.files.wordpress.com/2022/02/reno1169contract.pdf is the scan of the contract.
Design4space has a clean record in HDB renovation contractor database https://services2.hdb.gov.sg/webapp/BN31AWERRCMobile/BN31SSearchContractor?searchAction=linkContrDetail®No=CA003067H&caseTrust=Yes
- Started in 2012
- no demerit points over 24 months
- no infringement history over 24 months
- has an approval by CaseTrust
- has an approval by RCMA. Explained in https://www.casetrust.org.sg/accreditation-detail.aspx?id=4