PayNow and QR how2 #scan-n-pay

PayNowQR is one of many payment modes in the PayNow ecosystem across banks. See (In BOC mobank, PayNowQR leads to PayNowUEN.) Beside PayNowQR, there are also PayNowToNRIC/PayNowToMobileNum, PayNowUEN etc.  I think those systems can use computer.

  • Each person can designate one bank account to receive PayNowToNRIC (BOC)
  • Each person can designate one bank account to receive PayNowToMobileNum (#104)
  • ^^ Many people choose the same bank account.

QR scanner is a smartphone feature (as far as I know). The procedure is lengthy.

  1. first get the QR code if it is not already on a hardcopy.
    • to do so, you may need to log in on the payee’s (billing organization) system.
    • Sometimes the QR code is generated based on your input and will last only a short while
  2. Now you are ready to scan the QR code. Take out your phone
  3. For many banks, don’t use the Scan-n-pay feature. Instead, log in on the banking phone app.
  4. For DBS, bottom menu -> pay-n-transfer -> scan-n-pay, not PayNow. It still ues payNow behind the scene.
  5. some PayNowQR includes the amount, but you should verify it.
  6. Note you may require up to 10 OTPs and many signings on the hardware token. I think this is a penalty for users of hardware token.

— choose between PayNowQR, PayNowUEN, FAST,,,

  • If QR is available but not recipient account number, then PayNowQR is the only choice
  • For recurring payments, I prefer online banking bill-pay. I can save my unique account number (required in each transfer) in the billing organization
  • For recurring immediate payments, I prefer FAST or save UEN as a registered payee. Still need to enter reference number for each transfer.
  • .. FAST is usable on computer or phone
  • .. UEN is usable on computer or payNow… no real advantage though many people are blind.
  • For safer one-time payment, I prefer QR.  In some payment system like SNEC, the payment reference number (unique to your purchase) is error prone. Fat finger would lead to payment to other people’s account.

— for individuals, PayNowToMobileNum will show payee name (Jason.Fu confirmed). Need token to add new payee.

One thought on “PayNow and QR how2 #scan-n-pay

  1. tiger40490 says:

    If you want to become more comfortable with paynowQR, then use the app more and computer less.

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