This blogpost is a major re-calibration in my perception of reality. I thought Silverlake was an exceptionally strong stock, but it has declined in valuation, and faced competition from disruptive fintech —
Silverlake has a cost advantage operating out of Malaysia.
Silverlake has very strong client base — OC/UOB/CIMB/Maybank ..
— SGD 770M small-cap! I thought it would be bigger than shopee and similar size to the big 3 banks.
— moat .. A core banking system is very expensive and complex software will cost hundreds of million to billions of dollars to replace.
— Jolt: I think the strengths [moat, dominance,,] are already baked into the current valuation and market cap
There are other tech stocks with a dominance and moat, but they all face the challenge of technology churn. One of my books on value investing pointed out this difference — In contrast, non-tech stocks can be cash cows over decades.
- BEA weblogic
- Oracle
- Cisco