Q: disadvantages? This bpost will not list them.
Millions of outsiders view Singapore as an unsuitable retirement destination like “my last choice”.
Pattern: once a retiree gets used to a place, and develop coping solutions, most of the disadvantages (of the place) are accepted with serenity. I see it in my parents, in the retirees of NY, or Boston (cold),,,
#1 remedy for (many) disadvantages of any place — get used to living there.
— Beijing has certain advantages.
- advt: healthcare? better than ruralChn
- advt: familiar city, cf Malaysia, U.S.,, In fact, Beijing is the #2 most familiar cities to me. I feel I belong there.
- advt: Tianjin/Zhejiang relatives
- advt: good infrastructure in many aspects, more reliable than cheaper countries. See separate bpost on ChM
- advt: no car dependency. Extensive public transport.
- advt: customer service helpline .. much faster than U.S. (too much menu, long queue,,,,) Singapore helplines are often understaffed.
- advt for wife: No need to cook everyday. More varieties than Malaysia.
- advt for wife: Language
- advt for wife: far more comfortable than Malaysia or U.S.
- advt: trusted friends [classmates]. In contrast, need to make new friends if in Malaysia
- advt: airport: travel time to Sgp [my harbor] is better than ruralChn
- advt: CPI cheaper than Sg. My money can buy me a more comfortable/easier lifestyle
- advt: close to the travel destinations that interest me