some@%%non-performing investments@FSM

Q: Did I make the mistake of investing too little in good funds?
A: I don’t think so. I usually start with $100 to test the water. Then I increase to $500 or $1k. I am cautiously open to bigger exposures.

— #1 Blackrock gold USD
Mistake — too big. invested 5k, when 5k was the minimum
Mistake#2 — when I had a chance to exit, I sold 40% only. So the big exposure is my own deliberate choice and calculated risk-taking.
Luckily I don’t need the USD so I could wait.
Long term trend is poor. I was fully aware of it when buying. Calculated risk.
Motivation: this is one of the few hedges out there for DJ

–Parvest Bd Best Selection Wld Em USD
Mistake — too big. Invested U$1k. Luckily I don’t need the USD so I could wait.
I think as a bond fund it won’t drop too low.
EM are suffering, esp. the heaviest allocation countries – Brazil, Russia
Graph is too short.

— Indonesia
Mistake — too big. Invested U$1k. Should have used RSP
However, graph is reasonable.
Motivation: diversify
Luckily I don’t need the USD so I could wait.
Performance is bad for many years.

— Latam
Mistake — too big. Invested U$1k.
However, graph is not too bad, not all the way down.

— Japan (recovered🙂
Mistake — too big. Invested in 2 funds, USD 1k each.
Luckily I don’t need the USD so I could wait.
Mistake — one (Schroder ISF Jap Eq Alp A Acc USD) of my 2 funds did much worse than the other(Eastspring Inv Jap Dynamic USD A)
Japan has potential and did recover in 2014.

— Legg Mason WA EmMkt Bond A SGD H (mdis) plus
Mistake — should have used USD. Invested S$1k
However, graph is reasonable, not all the way down.
Motivation — monthly div, but reinvested 🙁
I think as a bond fund it won’t drop too low.