call hotline with GP to set up webank to help me check balance.
* 622 1801 0000 2135 1009 duck (GP yyyymmdd 2315)
==== PSBC [95580]
- Phone banking 6-digit PIN 17xxxx set up in Nov after returning to Singapore
- mobileNum is 182 1084 mmdd
- The “duck” account is GP’s first PSBC card account. All previous accounts are expired TD accounts.
To avoid appearance of suspected activity, prefer self-transfers between GP’s ICBC and PSBC. Between two names, we can have fewer larger transfers.
— value of PSBC::GP acct .. ChannelA. To faciliate that, I also need In (+out) transfer via mobank.
It’s possible to over-value this account and over-commit my sys2 resources.
Biggest risk is fraud detection. If system detects a high-risk transaction, then there is a real chance to receive an sms alert on the registered mobile 182 1084 xxxx (already on roaming.) I think Psbc is unlikely to call us except the pre-arranged initial 回访 call.
In the unknown worst case (异常状况) i.e. kill switch this account will be suspended to protect the customer’s asset. I will then need to accompany GP to ANY branch (moneyLock removal) before we can use this psbc::gb account.
Q: multiple overseas ATM withdrawal considered normal
AA: yes
%%A: avoid showing a pattern. Spread out the withdrawals.
AA (Yang.Yu): avoid the “red flag” of immediate-withdrawal-after-deposit
Is it illegal to give the bank card to family member for overseas ATM withdrawal? No such prohibition.
Is there any poisonous spillover on ChannelH, Channel520 etc? Unlikely, and only if there is evidence of criminal offense. Looks like SAFE is not so trigger-happy.
On 25 Nov 2024, I was able to withdraw JPY 30k at a cost of
- UnionPay confirmed that JPY 30133 was “issued” but JPY 133 (fee) was taken by some intermediary
- Rmb 1425.62 matching UnionPay publication
- Rmb 19.13 i.e. R12 + 0.5% of above amount
- In total, there were three charges by UnionPay (R12), PSBC (50bp) and intermediary (JPY 133)
- On the same day, a JPY 500 ice cream cost Rmb 23.66 implying JPY/CNY = 0.04732, matching UnionPay publication
— I can check the balance
- on any UnionPay ATM (xBank ) but cost something if overseas, probably Rmb4
- 24×7 hotline, provided you have IC, ATM PIN etc
- mobank and webank
— auth
* mobank log-in by 1) FOUR-dot 2) alphanumeric_passwd
transaction_passwd (17xxxx) updated on 2 Dec .. needed for each transfer, along with smsOtp. Must be 6-alphanum… any combo of letter and digit. Around 10 failures would require branch-reset (Passport users can’t self-reset).
Sensitive operations: Additional auth: using transaction_passwd AND smsOTP
The alphanumeric_passwd is tricky on the mobank “secure keyboard” (not the applet). Therefore, I prefer a familiar string with very few leading (small) letters followed by many digits –> t1xxxxxxxxxx [bCert]
— transfer… transfer||spending limit:
* limit on card: 15k/D, 50k/M, 110k/Y
* limit on mobank channel
— 6M_inactivity .. Grandpa must visit a branch to revive account.
We need either in or out transaction at least once over any 6M quiet period.
- ChannelA?
- I did set up a “hopeful”/experimental automated pull .. psbc::gp pulling from icbc::gp under 他行转邮储
- I did set up yellow bike sharing under GP’s own name and used the psbc::gp account to fund the PPD
Bending over backward to prevent 6M_inactivity, I’d endure the minor pains to
- leave some idle cash in some PPD .. so far, only the yellow bike can
- create lots of noise transactions in another bank account