alipay #fuxi


See also

Next todo: test qqcard

==== alipay

  • Log-in can use smsOtp or passwd (se8)
  • Payment passwd [付款密码]: 6-digit
  • hotline (+86 571 2688 6000) 8am – midnight 7D/wk. No Sgp hotline.
  • Lifetime withdrawal/提现 quota : R20k. Exceeding the quota, there is a fee.
  • Pay into Meituan acccount? Not supported.
  • deduction_precedence .. Alipay has a concise documentation page.
  • 支付管家 .. a more comprehensive sub-app
  • Green := a given feature is usable 可正常使用 green status

Each passport/IC holder can have _three_ alipay accounts. As of Oct 2024, I had two independent accounts — AA) based on my Gmail and XX) based on 65-xxx14, both under my full name. XX never had full smrz. I don’t remember how XX was created.

— smrz and SRRZ [实人认证] .. smrz saves your passport in TheSystem; SRRZ saves your face data in TheSystem
* After smrz, before SRRZ, most alipay features would be Green, such as icard, PPD, everyday payment in China
* After SRRZ, entire alipay account (all alipay features) is all-Green

Q3: can PersonB’s alipay account bind PersonA’s China bank card?
A: To my surprise, according to two hotline staff, TanBin’s CCB bank card can bind to wife’s alipay account, provided her alipay account is all-green after srrz. I feel this binding is an advanced and unfamiliar feature.

I did my own srrz via face scan on 17 Jun 2023.

Even after smrz+srrz (like my alipay), passport-based alipay account (like mine) is considered 海外账户.

— Taobao usually needs an alipay account but see international ccard for taobao^alipay

In Nov 2024, we were able to terminate and unbind alipay account, while keeping the taobao account. From now on, never bind personX’s alipay to personY’s taobao account, even if it works sometimes, perhaps due to some undocumented feature. Why? Hotline told me it is ill-advised. I have two reasons of my own.

Throughout 2024, wife repeatedly paid her taobao billls (unknowing) using XX. This shady alipay account was able to bind to my ICBC card but this set-up is insidious and dangerous. The “radioactive fallout” clean-up and each taobao payment process can take hours and require both people to be present. Tcost is unsustainable. The headache often disrrupted my work and other commitments. Not worthwhile. This is Reason 1.

Reason 2: risk of suspension of psbc::pb or my alipay acct. Higher chance of 不知不觉中付款, 事后找不到线索. Suspension risk is possibly higher. If any taobao payment can /jeopardize/ my existing “infrastructure” , then I would say stop taobao. Wife must find less risky solutions. Consider

  • qqcard and PPD
  • bind some icard to her alipay account.
  • from taobao and through her alipay account, 请朋友帮忙支付. This request actually caused problem to my alipay account. Hotline resolved it for me.
  • ^^ If all fail, then stop using taobao indefinitely.

The renewed alipay account (code named “CC” acccount) under +65 8xxxx is operated completely by me, but officially under her name (smrz):

  • payment passwd in this alipay account .. 1xxxxx1 for now
  • icard binding … some can be mine and others can be hers. Icard tested 8 Dec 2024
  • qqcard tested 28 Dec 2024
  • 转账 from TanBin to CC tested 17 Jan 2025, even though the CC account SRRZ is absent.
  • PPD and qqcard are all-green as of 20 Nov 2024.
  • This alipay account is all-green as of 20 Nov 2024.
  • the alipay app .. is currently in my phone, so I can receive important app_notifications.
  • phone number+658xxx can be registered under my NRIC. Alipay has no info about ownership.
  • email addr is optional .. set to tig@gmail. It’s more critical to monitor her alipay than my alipay.
  • bind any China bank card? You need srrz (Q3). You can try CCB, but it may cause problems.

Q: can I log in to alipay on android phone and log in to taobao on an iPhone? Yes

— mobileNum: An alipay account is identified by either email address,  or mobileNum. For China citizens, I think mobileNum is predominant so most people aren’t familiar with anything else. An alipay user can update her email addr or phone number. However, her old email addr is seldom transferred to another alipay user, but a mobileNum often changes hand. Eg: 8xxxx14 was under my alipay account and is now under wife’s alipay.

TanBin’s Alipay account was set up with email addr + #178. MobileNum update required smsOTP on new and old numbers if you are located outside China.

No need to prove mobileNum ownership. You only need to receive smsOtp. From mid 2023 to Oct 2024, I was using 178xxxx and never needed smsOtp.

Q: Exacctly how do you tell which real person is behind an alipay account?
A: 账户与安全 -> 身份信息 shows the RealIdentity. Don’t trust bank card because bank card owner can sometimes be different from the RealIdentity. This is rare but explicitly allowed by alipay system (Q3).

Switching between acctP and acctQ on one device … You would need smsOTP. (SMS can be sent to another device.) I don’t prefer frequent switching, but I think switching is well-supported.

— Billing page shows all in/out amounts. To see only PPD in/out amounts,
option 1) choose one of the ppd spends then look for 账户余额 then click in
option 2) go to the PPD page


Posted in chn