- outlets .. 132 in Beijing, far more than HSBC
- nearest branch 68784030 (9-17:30)
- hotline +86-755-95555 … after 12 am emergency services only.
- FB_balance $0
- webank is discouraged. Mobank is recommended.
- Transfer-out is Rmb20k/day
— j4 CMB
- j4: ChannelA 0.5% fee, max Rmb60 for 10k withdrawal.
- #1 j4 (over PSBC): keep wife’s ChannelA /operable/ when PSBC is frozen? Hopefully
- j4 (over PSBC): no 绑定码
- j4 (over PSBC): no NRIC needed on every flight to China
- j4 (over PSBC): more “foreigner-friendly”
- j4 (over PSBC): can open account for age 16-17
- j4 (over PSBC): can open account for age 11, under custody
— account opening .. passport + smrz mobileNum
— mobileNum needs smrz .. Rmb180 can last 2 years.
For Zofia, can set up long-term number at T3 ChnM. Optionally, when we have time, transfer #178 to her. Updating mobileNum is fast but must go to branch, with smrz proof of new number.
— age 11: Option P: Parent can give his smrz mobile number + [ official birth cert + both passports to show relationship] but the birth cert need 海牙认证.
For meimei, this is too complicated due to name change.
— age 16-17: Better give a good reason like wcpay/alipay, and overseas card spend
- Option P
- Option 1: If you can get a smrz-mobileNum then the accont can be opened and usable for ChannelA. For boy, can set up a temp 14D mobileNum at T3 Unicom. In Singapore, quickly log in (not required) and start ChannelA. Even after mobileNum expires, we can still transfer in and use ChannelA.
- Option 3: 非实名认证手机号 might be usable to open the account, with “lower” transaction limits
— What if mobileNum expired? Can transfer in and withdraw, as confirmed with hotline
- balance check on overseas ATM .. should be FOC
- balance check via phone banking automated.. requires 查询PIN + card number
- balance check via phone banking live agent .. requires 查询PIN + card number