sending money to other U.S. banks .. $20 requires smsOtp
To get to a live agent, choose option 9.
1800 321 2484 if you want to open an accessChecking
— action plan
- after 23 Jun, transfer everything to BofA
— citi.ny monthly fees
If you have either a regularChecking OR an accessChecking OR both, each account would require a $250/M transfer-in, or it would incur monthly fees.
* [done] use Citi webank to set up monthly (1st) Pull from Bofa
* No need to keep any balance in Citi. Once a while, you can transfer back any amount to Bofa. I might keep Bofa above 3k and monitor it.
We can set up the transfer now, but until 23 Jun, I need to maintain $1500 in Citi.
If you keep $0 balance, the fees will eat into overdraft !
Converting to AccessChecking is likely impossible, but if you see a benefit then you can close the existing acccount and open a brand new accessChecking. The benefit is in magnitude of the impact — $5 fee better than $15 fee.
— citibank NY account
Access (to my fund) is the #1 requirement for me.
— to show account/routing number .. Online help is useless
Click on the account to view transaction details -> look above the tx history -> look for “Hide Routing number & more”
You can also look at your pdf statement, but routing number is not there.