UHC is one of the biggest “networks”. Most doctors (except very specialized) are IN (in-network), or they don’t get many patients.
Make sure you present your insurance card. If clinic still assigns you an OON doctor, it’s their mistake. They have to deal with it. You shouldn’t be penalized or bear the cost.
–with employer
- CSDoctor pays $5k/Y for a family of 3. He said total was $6k+20k from employer = 26k/Y premium
- DeepakCM pays $250/M for a family of 3
- Jack.Zhang (family of 4) said after MS layoff he needed to pay $25k-$30k/Y via COBRA. XR agreed to my estimate of “$500+/person/month”
- As MS employee, Jack.Z paid $1k+/M and enjoys 50% subsidy by MS. XR said similar at Barclays, but Citi and JPM are worse.
–without employer:
- Shanyou pays $1500/month for a family of four. In 2020, he said $1600/M, but with high deductibles.
- in 2020, DeepakCM pays $1200/M to cover a family of 3. He said one friend pays $2200/M BCBS to cover a family of four. Another friend pays $1650/M UHC for a family of four.
- XR said $400/person is typical
- XR said there’s a cheaper one for kids, though some doctors don’t accept it.