##[18]biggest questionable spend: now or upcoming

I feel these spends are subtly and effectively encouraged by the /consumer society/ and the marketing powers of brand owners. The pressure is irresistible — Your peers.

  1. — ranked by amount
  2. edu: {USD 50k/year} private college in the U.S.? Looking at myself and within my circle, I feel this is not worthwhile investment. Based on my chat with Kyle (see blog posts), prestigious/branded colleges are just like medical school and branded car — designed for the rich
    • Contrast the enrichment programs my son gets. Much cheaper. Non-academic.
  3. edu: {USD 30k/year} private high school
  4. edu: MSFM roughly S$70k
  5. edu: private pre-school like Mindchamps. Unworthy
  6. flights strictly for family reunion — costs air ticket and unpaid leaves , but is the most rewarding “luxury” money can buy.
  7. {5k/year} overseas sightseeing trips. I seriously doubt the advertised benefits on the kids. Look at LianZhong’s family
  8. unpaid leave to attend interviews, partly to reduce the total cost (and stress) of next job search
  9. edu: kids’ enrichment
  10. car depreciation — If I seldom use it, then perhaps lease
  11. various renovations
  12. —-outside top 10:
  13. {1k/year} electronics? They get outdated soon and require servicing. The ERE author suggested keep using an old model
  14. restaurants? $100/month