##conflict`preferences: Buy]Bayonne

Update — JackHe pointed out that for my first buy, don’t need to think about suitability for family. I feel this attitude can be a welcome relief. Grandpa said the same — don’t need to discuss with wife.

Option C — condo Option 2 — 2FM
family use? higher chance than Option 2 yes if close to PS14 but I still prefer to live close to HBLR + parks
.. or rent out default choice. better investment value. lower cash flow risk
size up to 1300, otherwise oversize oversize would break my budget !
condition good condition. no renovation planned acceptable condition
tax + HOA higher running cost less important if letting
maintenance distraction + higher running cost
loc must: close to PS14+train
street cleanliness usually cleaner street, as the condo takes care LG
budget Ideally below 250k. Above 300k no additional value to me or tenant, and over-commitment 250k-350k

Location preference within Bayonne: [b = binary criteria. If good enough, then I don’t care how good]

  1. Better physical condition so I don’t worry much about renovation. Renovation is manageable for some buyers but a risk to a new buyer like me, albeit a well-understood risk. Jack He agreed.
  2. running cost — tax+HOA+maintenance. Tax is a big drawback to some Bayonne condos 🙁
  3. [b] Close to the better middle/elementary schools. Nicholas Oresko seems to be the best rated. Lease-spread if necessary — rent nearby [1] and rent out our home [2]!
    • [1] 1500 – 2000/month is possible.
    • [2] should be easy, though the rent amount is an uncertainty
  4. smaller price tag (and tax)? Am willing to pay a small premium for those features important to me, but overall price tag is the smaller the better. See prefer small investments,esp.property
  5. Rent amount? Those with dual entrances often come in poor condition or with bigger price tag.
  6. — less important —
  7. [b] reasonable size. See sqf: most U.S.homes are over-sized Those oversize yet clean units invariably cost more than I need.
  8. [b] street cleanliness; cleaner, richer street (usually near the parks)? still a concern.
  9. no stairs if possible. Am willing to pay a premium for it.
  10. bigger windows.
  11. gas heating is best; electric means higher running cost

https://datausa.io/profile/geo/bayonne-nj/#category_housing has nice charts. One shows the national histogram vs Bayonne histogram! Another shows that nationally 64% of homes are owner-occupied, but 37% in Bayonne.