simplify: cashflow juggle

— simplify???? priority among cards: 1) cimb till 16 Apr 2) bocd 3) FnF dining 4) FnF @ NTUC

bocd .. wait for pacLight email in early Mar.

— event calendar

  • March bocd: pacLight email $0… “target” amount for bocd about $100. I will manage it myself, without wife
  • — mid Mar before flight:
  • maybank statement will show two cards, same balance. Pay off statement balance which includes $32.40 “charged by someone else”. $32.4 to be refunded as a credit.
  • proactive $xxxx i.e. bulk of FnF statement balance from DBS .. to avoid big-GIRO hazard, leaving $100+ for Giro. Simplify by paying After billPay, but not close to due date.
  • — Mar payroll
  • pay off scsc statement, not current, balance. Simplify by paying on payroll day or earlier
  • call scb .. reduce credit limit to 10k after Mar 50k
  • call Maybank (8a – 8p) … reduce credit limit to 10k after 24 Mar >> 50k
  • — Apr
  • billPay: SCSC, Rev, FnF

— Simplify: focus on (up to) 3 key points + some minor points

  • accept some FB-fees or other minor /missteps/
  • — minor simplifications
  • Rule: make proactive payment whenever ccard outstanding exceeds some threshold like 1k. Accept that such pre-payment amount would not be “productive”. However if the amount is unusually large, then we may want to delay the ‘proactive’ beyond statement date. With timing+coordination, this could relieve xjl pressures like FBF, late fees, pre-mature withdrawals,,,

— Q: if I become overwhelmed (with work, or family, or investment issues…), I would feel burdened and distracted by the “juggle”. How would I cope?

  • proactive on oversized ccard outstanding, or even lock up the ccard for a month

— biggest juggling stressors

  1. bx annual payments, esp. FLI150
  2. multiple cCards/PFL/PacLight: missing full payment .. exorbitant LIR over a short period of time
  3. cimb card promo


UBS wealth report

I think we will see this report featured in mass media year over year. is a 2023 article that will disappear soon.

The annual study started in 2010 and aims to compare across countries and across decades.

2022 median wealth (net asset IMO) per Singapore adult was estimated at USD 100k (USD 99,488). In other words, half the Singapore adults own less than USD 100k per adult in net asset.

Q: does this figure look like underestimate or overestimate?
%%A: due to the longitudinal and international comparison, I think this is unlikely to be under- or over-esimated. However, the exclusion criteria for “wealth” is unknown to me, though I know they include each adult’s securities and real assets.

Why “per adult”? I guess that personal wealth is always held under a name, of an adult. An underaged person can earn an income but can’t own wealth.

[21]Sg income brackets #wealth

See also UBS wealth report

— SG 2021: Monthly gross income (excluding employer CPF) for each full/part time employee, excluding non-residents. I prefer the MOM stat publication .. consistent format, enabling longitudinal analysis. Out of the 2021’s (roughly) 2,250,000 employees:

histogram cum
Under $500 46.6 46.6 2.07%
$ 500 – $ 999 96.1 142.7 6.35%
$ 1,000 – $ 1,499 191.4 334.1 14.86%
$ 1,500 – $ 1,999 162.1 496.2 22.07%
$ 2,000 – $ 2,499 184.7 680.9 30.28%
$ 2,500 – $ 2,999 182.1 863 38.38%
$ 3,000 – $ 3,999 330.5 1193.5 53.07%
$ 4,000 – $ 4,999 237.1 1430.6 63.62%
$ 5,000 – $ 5,999 186.8 1617.4 71.92%
$ 6,000 – $ 6,999 125.1 1742.5 77.49%
$ 7,000 – $ 7,999 99 1841.5 81.89%
$ 8,000 – $ 8,999 82.6 1924.1 85.56%
$ 9,000 – $ 9,999 52.4 1976.5 87.89%
$10,000 – $10,999 62.7 2039.2 90.68%
$11,000 – $11,999 31 2070.2 92.06%
$12,000 – $12,999 25.9 2096.1 93.21%
$13,000 – $13,999 18.9 2115 94.05%
$14,000 – $14,999 16.9 2131.9 94.80%
$15,000 – $19,999 55.2 2187.1 97.26%
$20,000 and Over 61.7 2248.8 100.00%

— SG 2018: Monthly Household Income from Work , Excluding Employer CPF Contributions

  • 50.0% of 2018 households earn 7k or less from work.. #45.6% for “includingAllCPF”
  • 26.2% of 2018 households earn 3k or less from work.. #24.5% for “includingAllCPF”
  • 64.6% of 2018 households earn 10k or less from work #59.3% for “includingAllCPF”
histogram cum
Households With No Working Person 12.1 12.1
Below $1,000/month 2 14.1
$1,000 – $1,999 6.1 20.2
$2,000 – $2,999 6 26.2
$3,000 – $3,999 6 32.2
$4,000 – $4,999 6.3 38.5
$5,000 – $5,999 6 44.5
$6,000 – $6,999 5.5 50.0
$7,000 – $7,999 5 55.0
$8,000 – $8,999 5.2 60.2
$9,000 – $9,999 4.4 64.6
$10,000 – $10,999 4.2 68.8
$11,000 – $11,999 3.6 72.4
$12,000 – $12,999 3.1 75.5
$13,000 – $13,999 2.7 78.2
$14,000 – $14,999 2.4 80.6
$15,000 – $17,499 5.1 85.7
$17,500 – $19,999 3.2 88.9
$20,000 and Over 11.1 100.0

Bank::BOC #.8+.9+.5>4.2ppa

Under HistoricalTransactions, each transaction has a new balance figure 🙂

See also RMB facilities

Since late 2024, BOC charges $0 penalty for premature FixD withdrawal, any currency.

— to reduce card-loss hazard on dCard

Consumption limit (paywave) = $500 done
dCard xfer limit = $0

— RMB banknotes ..
Free deposit of all notes up to Rmb 10, better than (Rmb100).
Free withdrawal of big notes. Withdraw then convert on street. has  FX rate for physical RMB (electronic same rate), comparable to Singapore money changer rates. This is a free-market rate not gov-controlled. I call it the Singapore street rate.
— UsdFixD:

To reduce manual operations, Prefer very few deposits of large quantum + longer tenor.

Placement can be done on mobile 9-5 Mon-Fri. Outside those hours, placement is disallowed.

— manual rollover of Rmb ^ USD
If OTC, then give instruction. Upon UsdFixD maturity, fund will stay in the FixD account. Afterwards, I can transfer it to my MCSA any time. Immediate.

If self-service, then choose no-rollover.

I can place a new FixD any time after maturity

Rule: some days after rollover, you can withdraw Rmb premature, and lose accrued interest only. Principal unaffected, despite the warning on GUI. However, for USD, premature (withdrawal) penalty eats into principal.

— SgdFixD: Can withdraw pre-maturity and receive 0.1% pa as a “condolence interest payout”. Confirmed: 20k over 8D earned me interest of $0.44 = 20k * 0.1% * (8/365)

— MCS EOD balance snapshot.. methodology confirmed by email. Concrete examples confirmed by phone. See email [1:06pm 5 May 2023]
— MCS [multi-currency savings] account is indeed nice2have. Enables fund transfer to other banks.

MCS promotion rules are harder than EGA, but better than other banks’ rules. Every free-money promotion has pros and cons.

  • fall-below fee
  • 0.1~0.4 ppa base interest .. see below. In addition, there is a bonus int (paid on the first 100k of ADB):
  • .. 2.5 ppa based on payroll, since Jan 2023
  • .. 0.9 ppa based on 3 bill-pay $30 each.
  • card spend .. 0.5/0.8% if $500/1.5k. Note “card spend” includes dCards 🙂
  • still more bonus items .. see
  • ^^^ realized DIR usually exceeds $353/30D ~ 4.2 ppa+

bill payment:

  • Settlement is usually 1~3 business days after user action. If settlement falls in Jan, you score a Jan bill-pay 🙁
  • Prefer BillPaymentTransactionInquiry, which shows payee
  • Adding bill payee doesn’t need OTP or token 🙂
  • Some payee accounts would not show incoming payments very promptly.  IRAS and MB are slow. SPService, HSBC, eccard  are prompt.
  • — In general, prefer SPower, IRAS, SCB,,,, Hope to keep $0 in HSBC, eccard
  • SCB ccard .. a suitable payee. BOC bill payment can wipe out entire current balance.
  • SPower ..Good credibility and no “en-route” complication
  • IRAS …. Good credibility and  no “en-route” complication _but_ bad sys2 workload if you need recon, monitoring.

$500/M card spend.. Prefer large spends or [w=warehouse accounts]

  • Unposted dCard transaction details … available on SMS, not webank
  • settlement date (not transaction date)
  • AXS/SAM excluded 🙁
  • PacificLight .. on 3 Apr 2024 I set up auto-pay. I hope this would simplify my effort to meet $500/M. If not, then I can always go back to Giro.
  • [w] town council fees.. must go onsite, not AXS.
  • [w] SgPow… visit HDB9 to pay any amount up to 3x the current balance. Need to print out the bill.
  • [w] cmlink
  • [w] ActiveSg wallet might accept it
  • PacLight … no way to use dCard without AXS

Base int .. accrued daily, compounded monthly. Flat rate on entire EOD balance

  • 0.4 ppa if ADB > 100k. For example, if on a given day, balance is 101k, daily accrual = $1.1 [101k * 0.4 ppa /365]

USD check:

  • deposit is free;
  • issuing to self, first cheque free each day

— refresh screen .. may need to (click the X on the top right) close the page and retry. This procedure is simpler than re-login.

— online fund transfer .. 实体 (not soft) token unconditionally required for sensitive operations:

  • add payee
  • increase transfer limit (impossible on mobile banking)
  • large transfers

For smaller transfers, SMS OTP ( physical token not usable; hotline can’t override it ) is unconditionally required. If slow, then no choice must retry but not too frequent please.


syfe #

PayNowQR (BOC/Hsbc tested) is the simplest funding method… no need to add payee

change password .. same as forgot-password.

funding and withdrawal bank account must be under my own name, same as Poems

Hazard! Each TimeD (aka ptf) needs manual toggle to disable rollover. After maturity, you need to manually transfer P+I to your bank account. Otherwise, the fund will be sitting there idle (no more accrual).

No fee… my EGA bank account received every cent as expected.

(After rollover, you lose liquidity.)

Hotline is 9-6. Live-person chat is 24H on weekdays, esp. on APP, thought I only got the chatbot. On website (without login) -> connect -> …
Advisor available for accounts above 50k

for fund transfer, I will use HSBC to help maintain my Premier status.

— withdraw .. after 3pm on maturity, for a few days at least. T+1 (7pm) to receive. is a review by a 3rd party, not official TnC

— “Portfolios” page shows me all my (immutable) portfolios.

Can create new ptf from here.

🙂 ptf names are editable.

— Syfe as compared to Hsbc 3.6 ppa

  • 👎 liqudity .. The biggest danger. Unknown to me for many weeks. worse than any TimeD or MMF. can’t withdraw pre-maturity at all; can’t top up (You need to create brand new ptf ). On the flip side, interest is easier to compute.
  • 🙂 no need to wait 2 months to receive the interest.
  • 👎 unreliable site. I can’t even go into my account.
  • .. 👎 no 24h helpline (M-F 9-6), no advisor to meet up
  • 👎 reliable, safety, regulation .. Hsbc is a reputable bank, though 3M is relatively short exposure window
  • 🙂 no hoops to jump through
  • 👎 No savings account. The Flexi is a MM-mufu just like those in FSM and Poems.
  • 🙂 slightly higher yield .. 120k over 3M, 3.8 over 3.4 means $120 additional interest
  • 👎 unlike real TD, there’s no SDIC protection

underwater bond fund

Eastspring Investments UT – Singapore Select Bd Fd A

Q: what’s expRatio?
Q: does the fund show potential to recover despite the exp ratio?

Q: shall we redeem at 3% loss and earn deposit int of 3.5% pa?

I used to say “time is on my side”.  Now I think every year this fund is losing  against the benchmark (tBill or MMF).

  • the Allianz funds (suppose 50k) I liquidated at a small loss …  has been acruing around 3% every year in recent years.

==== My bond mufu
— Fullerton .. Asian Bonds .. (expR=1.19) FSM tx history shows net $25k invested

  • snapshot $14226 FSM -> Poems 8Feb2022 (qty=1516.05)
  • snapshot cost=15k @202112 in my account P0014225
  • +10k 22Jun2022 bought in P0291384

##pff complexities]old age


Q: in my old age [like grandma], would pff complexity become more challenging?
Q: will some mild complexity like [r] or [b] slow down brain aging?

I guess that after some practice, some micro-decisions can transition from sys2 to sys1.

If you feel too old or too busy, and don’t want these pff complexities, then you pay for advice from banks or financial advisors.
Rarely you get free advisory service (remember FSM and Phillip), unless during the sale process.

— pessimism without evidence?
Many old people in their 80s and 90s have a sound mind, good enough for pff decisions.

— Difference between RRrecreational complexity and BBburdensome complexity .. A vague concept
[b|B=mild or heavy burden, including due diligence ]
Fluid intelligence is more required in [B].

— [r] CIMB PF loan servicing .. monthly is less forgettable than annual

— [b] Giro failure prevention

— [r] asset: optimizing bonus interest from various banks + cashback from various ccards [BOC, FnF,,,] … zero risk, recreational juggling
[b] FBF and late fees … trivial burdensome complexity
[b] remember the different usernames across Sgp banks

— [B] asset: insurance premium annual payment
We could convert to monthly payments like CIMB. Easier to remember
[b] fire insurance details .. information-overload. Luckily price is low.
[b] Insurance benefit/exclusion fine prints … information-overload. Customer support needed, beyond online support as in China mobileApps.

— [r] asset: SG tBill using SRS or cash. You know government guarantees reliable hotline and record-keeping.
[b] If you use CPF, then you may need to compare the cpf interest sacrificed. You also need to pay quarterly bank fee for cpfIA

— [r] asset: SRS invested in S27 or tBill
There is some pff complexity as explained in, but I think it’s recreational complexity

S27 buying using SRS? I think we can slowly learn to treat it as RRecreational.

— [r] asset: FixD tracking/renewal .. I can see my parents managing it competently. Banks usually provide paper and electronic records to depositors.

Banks also provide branch and hotline support, much better than dotcom-style online-only support .
— [r] asset: picking stocks .. I think some retirees do that. Recreational
— [r] asset: ETF vs mufu .. I’m disillusioned with mufu, but consider the level of human service. ETF provides no customer support.

(at least in Singapore, banks earn a fee for selling mufu, therefore they provide a service to help customers buy and sell. Fund houses partner with many banks + insurers to market their mufu products and service their clients.

I think grandma was “experimenting” with mufu.

— asset: rental property … rental and tenant management. Busy landlords could engage an agent.

[r] I think some old landlord do it themselves. They like interacting with nice tenants. They often give long-term good tenants a steep discount, in return for lower complexity.

Minor repairs .. tenants + agent can hopefully take care.

— [b] U.S. tax filing .. Even though my 2023 income was $500+ and fully offset by deductions, I still had to go through all the filing questions and send my return…. otherwise I may face penalties.

— [B] Major repairs of home or property .. stressful complexity, but hopefully covered by rental income.

Like rental management, and unlike financial matters, we can outsource the back office legwork.

— [B] medical cost management … insurance claims; seeking subsidy

— [b|B] burn rate self-regulation .. For the average retiree, burn rate control is probably quite important. My $3k/M burn rate assumes a level of burn rate self-regulation but it could be demanding of fluid intelligence. If your fluid intelligence declines fast, then you might have a higher tendency to spend on the wrong things or make unwise purchase decisions. (Each buying decision is a small workload for sys2.) Look at grandparents.

I believe some retirees overspend, or worry about overspending.

[r] Micro-conserver mode can be fun rather than stressful. It could keep the aging mind active. It could give the older me a does of “control” — over myself, my life.

[r] exp recon … might be complex in some way, but very low risk.  Can be an enjoyable recreation– Q: does some of the complexities help keep the mind active?

[24]tBill^SSB #Jun+

SGS allocation to “cash”  — reflected in CDP statements

SGS allocation to SRS account — not held at CDP, but held at custodian bank. DBS webank easily shows my live SRS assets including SGS.

==== cpfOA .. For CPF, 6M tBills make more sense (rather than SSB). Doesn’t affect the earmark. At a mid-month auction (or whatever) consider using cpfOA.

in-person application at the UOB. Come before 9.30am to avoid long queues.

With cash, the next best alternative is BOC FD, which is inferior to cpfOA.

🙁 $2/quarter for as long as your uob cpfia holds any tbill. If empty, then $0/quarter.

==== SSB
See also

— any-time redemption ..

  • by 9pm on the 4th last business day of the month you can submit request to receive payout by 2nd business day of the following month
  • 7am – 9pm Monday to Saturday, on webank or ATM
  • quantum: in multiples of $500, up to allotted amount, but small redemptions are costly in $2 fee

==== 6M tBills

Q: on maturity date, when is the payment? Sometimes after 7pm

tBill auction rate is SnD-driven. Falling, but not really within weeks after end of Aug. It’s OK to take no action within Aug, and wait out the stormIf we do use comp bidding during Aug, then there’s an inevitable due diligence involved.

  • 🙂 no fee for application or selling
  • Liquidity is inferior to SSB .. must sell to DBS (not on SGX). Their quote is bad, but you can’t negotiate.

— Competitive bidding

If SSB is paying 2.98%, then I can put 2.98% as my competitive bid.

Scenario 1: other competitive bids are very high (demanding in terms of yield) so my bid ends up way below the cutoff. I would receive the cutoff yield which is higher than my bid.

Scenario 2: other competitive bids are very low (keen and accommodating) so my bid ends up way above the cutoff. I would receive full refund. After that, I am better off putting this amount into SSB.

Specify 3.69 not 3.70 for your comp bid. Case in point — the Aug-end auction. A huge portion of the comp bid concentrated at a singular yield level of 3.70. “Those who submitted competitive bids at the cut-off yield were allotted around 29 per cent of their applications.” I was wise to specify 3.69 and I managed to beat the crowd.

HDB fire insurance #FWD^BGC

Cooking can burn down the house. Fire insurance has some intrinsic complexities, perhaps less in Singapore than elsewhere. Learning takes time and absorbency.. including Dram refresh.

FWD Basic fire insurance is extremely cost effective but covers only building damage.

During a claim, FWD assessor would determine the amount of building damage ($BD) + fixture damage ($FD).

  • If $BD < 82k, then basic fire insurance would pay $BD only.
  • If $BD > 82k, then the remaining amount can be covered by the additional insurance, which also covers (part of) $FD.

Basic fire insurance is 5Y. 9-1169 covered till Jul 2028. FWD hotline can check the coverage period. (6820 8888 Monday to Friday 9am – 10pm; Sat 9 – 1pm)

Q: can you buy a simple protection, and then top up with a second protection?
AA: no. One property cannot have two protections from FWD.

— past purchases.. early 2020 I bought the lowest “additional insurance” to cover fixtures, at $42/Y. FWD Home Insurance Policy PNHM2020-00003237. I renewed by phone in 2021, expired in early 2022.

On 22 Dec 2023, I bought 3Y protection PNHM2023-00037909 for $119/3Y.

Minimum coverage is $95/3Y [$20k home content + $0 renovation protection]. My purchase includes $40k renovation.

I feel 3Y is much cheaper than 1Y.

— payment by … ccard usually pays $0 cashback for insurance premiums. I tried SCB card
I chose SCB card for 1) convenient online payment 2) email record from SCB

— basic 5Y insurance is heavily subsidized : SGD 5.94/5Y
Government appoints one insurer only, for the 5Y insurance. Can be purchased online.

I think government gives 90% subsidy. They make HDB home owners pay a small fraction as a reminder to take fire insurance seriously.