Saying NO is one of my G3 most important principles in ffree, burn rate mgmt, long-term fin-security.
median household income & middle-class living standard is one of the first blogpost to introduce this JustSayNo principle.
SG government probably follows the same principle many times, but I won’t digress.
— eg: branded college and SDXQ home
— eg: retirement burn rate .. cpfLife ERS pays out about $2200/M, considered adequate for a Singapore retiree. I think this is a reasonable, sensible assessment. What if many among your cohort are building bigger nest eggs to provide $5k/M of retirement income? Would you feel the pressure to match up? This pressure is comparable to the pressure to buy a SDXQ home [Orchard mansion]
— eg: In 2011 or 2012 I hosted Haitao.Fu in my Newport home. I bought 3 small dishes from a nearby Chinese restaurant. One of them (toufu?) we didn’t finish — I kept the clean leftovers for my next meal. I have recalled this experience many times. I feel the /splurge/ peer pressure in hindsight.
I may or may not be right to assume him as a relatively thrifty student. He didn’t show any negative reaction about our meal but now I assume he has moved to higher positions on WallSt… In hindsight, I feel he might have been shocked by my thrift, even though the meal was way more than basic-healthy! I probably spent USD 40. In hindsight, I feel a more “decent” delivered meal would be 50% higher. Leftovers would be … discarded?
— eg: Personal Trainer (fitness)
At OneNorth office complex, I visited a fitness center that offers nothing but PT (personal training). Minimum membership is $1800/12 PT sessions. If you earn a decent salary nearby, then you would probably consider this package. Now, suppose most of your colleagues have signed up. They tell you various reasons. You accept some of those reasons, but ultimately unconvinced. Some may point at LKY’s attitude on casinoIR and remind me that “Time has changed”. I think I am not old-fashioned, and would consider to accept that package if the $cost/benefit ratio improves. At the current price level, the ratio can become acceptable if I perceive significant benefit in the package vs the alternatives.
- alternative: You could try jogging on the street near office (unappealing to me). Re Wayne St…
- alternative: You could do some simple workout in office, or at home. Re Wayne St.
- alternative: You could join a regular gym somewhere farther out, for $100/M.
At the current ratio, I would say it’s really important to justSayNo. Even if I earn 20k/M, this salary is /unsustainable/ in X years so now I need to spend like ordinary locals and save. Their business model (designed for the super rich) is too costly for the nearby office professionals.
Yoga membership is comparable, but per-session price is about $15 (compared to $150/PT)