SIA: buy via SRS: OUR deal

This effort is not “burn” like workout and tech xx, but it can be strategic, esp. for wife.

— transaction record ..

#153 transfer record shows $4393.32 + 8715.16

I think custodian has no record available to me.

FSM-exch statement has my transactions .. sent to Compliance 🙂 … DBS Transaction history (not in statements) shows  a more complete cost figure including the fees (possibly known to FSM-exch). Also shows the contribution i.e. deposit history.

I think FSM-exch platform has no record of my position.(a trading system has static record of past trades, but won’t have current positions as those require ongoing lifecycle mgmt incl. corp actions.. completely different system.)

DBS pdf statement shows StockName | Qty | Cost [1] | MktVal. No transaction history.

[1] $13107.74 which is incomplete and unreliable.

— the agreement ..

  1. we record the full deduction $DD, and we transfer $DD from 153 account. $DD = $4393.32 + $8715.16.
  2. After pre-clearance and liquidation, suppose the actual incoming amount (net of fees) is $II, locked inside SRS account.
  3. I will transfer $II to wife, while holding $II in my illiquid SRS account. This is not ideal for me, but I will accept it. Therefore, the prices don’t matter as much as the actual $DD and $II amounts.
  4. All fees are charged to SRS and borne by wife.

— Wife has decided to own 3000 shares. This is a 51/49 joint decision. We won’t blame each other for bad investment decision
— custodian?
Q: is there any annual statement?

TFSL 5% community bank #up to $40

CNQ(CAN) 4% midstream #up to $40

  • analyst positive. tgt $41
  • div through 2020. CDY 4%
  • .. Kiplinger says 19Y of div increases
  • 12M up; 3M up then down;
  • 🙁 Canadian div tax
  • 🙂 existing position in deep black, well above water
  • fractional possible
  • $40B established

TRP(CAN) 5% midstream

  • analyst positive. tgt $56
  • div maintained through 2020. CDY 5%.
  • .. Beware ! is incorrect.
  • fractional possible
  • 3M up then down; 12M/5Y zigzag
  • 🙁 Canadian div tax
  • $50B established

DBSDY #cf Singtel, T:US #$100..200

— DBS stock?

  • 🙁 no fractional supported
  • 🙁 price trend? 6M down
  • 🙂 good dividend yield around 4% ..
  • not a distressed stock like SIA
  • 🙂 analysts mostly positive

Tanko warned that Singtel was basically stagnant over 10Y. Yet if DBS pays 5% DY then I don’t mind stagnation 🙂

How does T:US compare? The 20Y chart is no better than Singtel or DBS. However, the T:US div didn’t drop since 1998 🙂