See also
As I continue to invest more money + time, and write more blogposts evaluating my MOETF vis-a-vis other investments, there’s a real growing concern like
Q1: is my time and money well-invested in MOETF? It is quite productive compared to my other investments, but perhaps an ETF/eqMufu would achieve higher total return and lower tcost?
%%A: even if you hold a SP500 ETF, there’s always [2] a legitimate need for an alternative equity portfolio with lower volatility, lower risk of a “down year”, higher cash payout, higher reassurance,,, Therefore, it’s my mistake to pit MOETF against SP500, when it’s not designed to compete with SP500.
A: tcost is addressed below
There’s a widespread perception that “mindless (therefore easy) investing in the U.S. [1] large-cap index will outperform most hand-picked MOETF in most years“. Buffet has struggled against the SP500 index for decades. I believe many value investors achieve lower return than the US large-cap indices. (Note SP500 is all-large-cap and all-US.) See Buffett no longer beating SP500. I do have some ETFs and mutual funds (T.R.Price) to capture the index appreciation. If after X years (to be decided) I still believe that MOETF consistently underperforms SP500, then I would allocate more to an SP500 ETF.
One portfolio in MOETF would become a fund comparable to a cash-cow retirement account; another portfolio an absolute-return fund without a benchmark. As such, MOETF is designed to meet those “other” needs.
Jolt: Similarly, most SP500 ETF investors also have assets in retirement accounts (401k), bonds (or money-market funds), gold, Reits, rental properties, dividend stocks etc, so it’s unfair to look down on those assets or MOETF.
[1] How about mindless investing in non-U.S. indices? Much weaker?
[2] many investors put aside that need .. unwise
— OPP .. It’s crucial to be clear what exactly we want out of stock trading. Many valid priorities of other investors are not important to us. In fact, these OPPs (other people’s priorities) may get in our way.
- when you take on those OPP, your life becomes more complicated, when it can be simpler like mine. You may have to babysit your positions. Your firewall is strained.
- when you take on those OPP, they could displace some of your true priorities. Analog: carry-on luggage (i.e. limited holder of true priorities) vs checked luggage i.e. holder of lower priorities
- when you take on those OPP, you may inadvertently take on more risks.
Matching SP500 return … is a bad OPP. Investing 80% of my assets, and minimizing idle cash (make every dollar work hard) … is an OPP
Q2: how important is total return (including current income) vs beating some index?
These questions arise more often when I discuss with fellow investors. An unwise investor may have an implicit goal “match other people’s returns” even though he doesn’t know their pain/risk profiles or even their actual return rate. I try to avoid that unwise goal. I often justify MOETF using phrases like “absolute return”, firewall (sleep well), recreational (learning), DYOC(current income),,,
div stocks: widely seen as low-growth #valInv #laughing described the recurring scenario .. When I show my 5% current income to friends, they probably walk away laughing …
— Question 2 is similar to FOMO^livelihood — am happy with the current income, the low-stress (firewall), the relatively low but positive return, but not so happy when I compare with some “high flyers”. Why the hell do I bother with other people when I’m happy with MOETF?
MOETF generates a few times more current income than any SP500 ETF or cryptos, if I (arbitrarily) exclude the low-yield stocks that I bought for growth.
— rental yield .. is a parallel. So far I’m satisfied with my SEA rental properties esp. the rental yield, perhaps more than my Beijing property. If I were to compare myself with those who achieved 10x returns in some Chinese-hot locations then I might feel diminished.
However my Q1 above is different. Compared to those hot property markets, SP500 is widely perceived as less risky and tracking ETFs are much more accessible (low entry requirement, very passive,,,)
— Learning and fun.. relatively vague ROI, but as a ROTI it is growing more important. See learning: fund^stock-pick
- If you don’t need learning, then SP500 ETF beats almost all ETFs or eqMufu.
- If you want learning, then growth stocks and cryptos threaten my firewall (babysitting, buy-n-forget)
— le2 XR… a summary on a familiar question. Q3: given that MOETF can’t outperform a SP500 ETF, why bother to hand-pick to construct MOETF?
- A(mentioned in earlier mail): foreign stocks .. missing from SP500.
- A(mentioned in the call): recreation and learning (see above)
- A(mentioned in the call): dividend payout, esp. during a downturn.
- A(mentioned in earlier mail): selective cash-out
- A(mentioned in earlier mail): selective buy .. esp. if I know a company well. This feature could help me outperform SP500
- A: consider retirees. They don’t focus on “return” only, so they allocate heavily towards bonds, annuities, dividend stocks outside SP500. One retiree I know invests heavily into a rental property for rental income. MyOwnETF doesn’t aim to outperform SP500 but aims to provide other benefits such as access to cash flow.
SP500 return is hard to beat, so I will probably maintain 50% allocation to SP500. As I age, we will need to reduce SP500 allocation.